Who are our clients?

End Users

The clients who runs the call center business and have agents/extensions for offering services to any business verticals like BPO's, Healthcare, Medical billing, Retail, Tourism, Banking sector, Real Estate and many more. We have developed the system keep in mind to fulfil all demands and added the features which is necessary.


Secondly, the clients who wants to offer call center solution to their respected territory or have no boundary and sky is the limit, Here ItsMyCallCenter comes in picture to offer multi-tenant solutions by using our fabulous platform. With the help of commercial structured plan, the resellers can earn great revenue and offer call center services to anywhere in the world.

Business Verticals

Better Customer Experience

Designed to help your business deliver a consistent, seamless, and personalized next generation customer experience.

ItsMyCallCenter Encompases Astonishing Features

Multi-tenant Call Center

ItsMyCallCenter is a multi-tenant software enables multiple organizations (tenants) to share and use a single instance of the software while maintaining separate and isolated environments for each organisation. Each organization operates its own call center independently within the same software infrastructure. This approach is commonly used in scenarios where different businesses or entities need their own call center functionality but prefer to share the underlying technology.

ItsMyCallCenter is a multi-tenant software enables multiple organizations (tenants) to share and use a single instance of the software while maintaining separate and isolated environments for each organisation.

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Lead Management

Lead management in call center software refers to the process of capturing, tracking, nurturing, and converting potential customers (leads) into actual sales or loyal customers. Our software plays a crucial role in automating and streamlining various aspects of lead management.

Lead management in call center software refers to the process of capturing, tracking, nurturing, and converting potential customers (leads) into actual sales or loyal customers. Our software plays a crucial role in automating and streamlining various aspects of lead management.

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Predictive Dialer

A predictive dialer is a specialized technology used in call centers to automate and optimize the process of outbound calling. It's designed to efficiently manage a high volume of outbound calls by predicting agent availability, call duration, and the likelihood of a call being answered. This technology aims to maximize agent productivity while minimizing idle time and dropped calls. Advantages by using predictive dialer in ItsMyCallCenter are listed below:

IA predictive dialer is a specialized technology used in call centers to automate and optimize the process of outbound calling. It's designed to efficiently manage a high volume of outbound calls by predicting agent availability, call duration, and the likelihood of a call being answered.

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Multi-level Campign Login

Multi-campaign login functionality allows agents to work on multiple campaigns simultaneously from a single interface. This feature is particularly useful for our clients that handle different types of campaigns or projects, such as sales, customer support, surveys, lead generation, and more. Here's how multi-campaign login works and its benefits:

Multi-campaign login functionality allows agents to work on multiple campaigns simultaneously from a single interface.

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Prefix Based Routing

We offer Prefix-based routing in our software refers to the practice of directing incoming calls to specific queues, agents, or departments based on the incoming caller's phone number prefix. This approach is particularly useful when you want to route calls based on the geographic location or the type of service the caller is seeking. Some key points highlighted below:

We offer Prefix-based routing in our software refers to the practice of directing incoming calls to specific queues, agents, or departments based on the incoming caller's phone number prefix.

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Answering Machine Detection

Answering Machine Detection (AMD) is a technology available in our system to identify whether a call has been answered by a human or an answering machine/voicemail system. This feature is crucial for improving call center efficiency and agent productivity by ensuring that agents are connected to live callers rather than wasting time on unanswered calls or voicemail systems. Here's how it can be benifitted:

Answering Machine Detection (AMD) is a technology available in our system to identify whether a call has been answered by a human or an answering machine/voicemail system.

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Multi-Level IVR

A Multi-level Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is a feature that allows callers to navigate through a series of menu options and prompts using their touch-tone keypad or voice recognition. This system is designed to efficiently route callers to the appropriate department, agent, or information without the need for human intervention. Here's how a multi-level IVR works:

A Multi-level Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is a feature that allows callers to navigate through a series of menu options and prompts using their touch-tone keypad or voice recognition.

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Real Time Reports

Real-time reporting refers to the capability of generating and displaying live, up-to-the-minute data and statistics about ongoing call center activities. This feature provides managers and supervisors with instant insights into various aspects of call center operations, allowing them to make informed decisions and respond quickly to changing conditions. Here's how real-time reporting benefits:

Real-time reporting refers to the capability of generating and displaying live, up-to-the-minute data and statistics about ongoing call center activities.

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Do you want to know the pricing structure? Say just HI 😃

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Business Phone System - ItsMyPBX


ItsMyPBX is a multi-tenant private branch exchange offers wide range of features which enhance the business communication one step up. The primary purpose of a PBX is to facilitate communication among employees and departments within an organization, as well as with external parties like customers, clients, and suppliers.

Business Phone System - ItsMyPBX
  • Support Unlimited Extensions.
  • Multi-Tenant PBX System.
  • FreeSwitch Based PBX Solution.
  • Unlimited Concurrent Call Volumes.
  • Attractive and Stylish UI.
  • Accesible by Business Hard Phones.
  • Options for Customization.
  • Third Party Integrations.
Click here for more Information


Streamline The communication

Call Center Solutions

Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident


Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat tarad limino ata


Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur


Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Andrew Gollman

Ceo & Founder

After used bunch of other systems for years, I finally reached at right place whilst the system is available at affordable price and have great feature in PBX. The smoothnes and performance is speechless - You guys are great, I'll surely recommend to other to go for it..

Peter Ingle

Chief operations officer

ItsMyCallCenter offers lavish UI/UX, features and performance which is impossible to find in range what they charge. I urge to use their free trial and see how it goes, you will love to use it.

Julian Jose

Project Head

These guys are just awesome. After using VICIdial and paid hefty servers cost/year, I was seeking a call center solution which must be less expensive and support 5000+ extensions. In just 4 servers they managed huge extensions and performance is very smooth, well done guys.

Mission & Vision

To deliver exceptional customer experiences through innovative solutions, highly trained resources, and cutting-edge technology. We strive to exceed customer expectations, foster long-term relationships, and drive sustainable growth for our clients.

To be the leading provider of call center solutions, admired for our commitment to customer satisfaction, employee empowerment, and operational excellence. We envision a future where every interaction becomes an opportunity to delight customers and create lasting value for all stakeholders